Friday, January 28, 2011

Famous Quotes, Updated For "The Age Of I, Me, Mine"

"Give me liberty or give me death, or maybe a piece of that Facebook IPO."
    - P. Henry

Cousin Eleanor
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself....unless you happen to marry your cousin, then you've got real problems."
    - FDR

"Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes and forgetting your id and password."
  - B. Franklin, D. Defoe

"The pen is mightier than the sword, but the wallet packs the really big wallop."
  -E. Bulwer-Lytton

Famous Pensioner
"Go west, young man....and keep going, not stopping until you've reached East Asia!"
  - H. Greeley

"Beware of enterprises that require new clothes your mom bought you online."
  -H.D. Thoreau

"We shall fight them on the beaches,
  We shall fight on the landing grounds,
  We shall fight in the fields and on the streets,
  We shall fight in the hills.

   And those are just the teachers and pensioners!"
     - W. Churchill

"The buck stops here, even if it was borrowed."
   -H.S. Truman

" I cannot tell a lie, but I can refer you to my lawyer who tells exceptionally good ones: expensive too."
  - G. Washington

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do to get that country place with the stables and the pool."
  - JFK

"Don't fire until you see something."
  - S. Palin

"Don't fire until you see something that looks like a duck wearing a beautifully woven Irish Hunting Jacket."
  - D. Cheney

"Don't fire anyone, ever, especially if they're related to you."
                                                - Assorted Secretaries, Mayors, Govs, etc.

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