Thursday, July 30, 2009

What would happen, if we were to ask Congress to answer that age old question: when life deals you lemons, what do you do? "Make lemonade," Congress answers, naturally, believing that real go-getter types can get re-elected.

Therein lies our problem. The new healthcare plan, which nobody outside the Beltway has actually seen in its enormous entirety, is going to be our lemonade. Congress, with help from a lot of lemon-growers, has looked at the current healthcare "system" and decided to sweeten it up for us. In other words, this is a tax plan masquerading as a healthcare plan.

I have yet to meet anyone, who can say with some certainty, exactly how any new plan will impact their current plan. Why, because the emphasis in the plan is on those who do not have coverage, about 48 million people, a quarter of whom are illegal "aliens." You'd think that beings from another planet would have figured out healthcare a long time ago. At least these 48 million people know that they will get something better.

It's about time that we learned to deal with real lemons, which are not sweet, and their juice burns like hell when it hits a cut on our finger. Time for a dose of reality. The polls are all turning against the plan, because the neglected people who have coverage simply do not believe that Congress can do anything for them without it costing a lot more one way or the other, premiums or taxes. Or both.

The current Administration might just make Hillary look like she knew what she was doing the last time we tried this. The Administration mangled their top priority by rushing it and allowing Congress to manage the reform. Can you imagine anybody asking Congress to reform something? It's like a Madame reforming the Vice Squad.

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