Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Be ,Or Not To Be....Ordinary

When we left the country a couple of weeks ago, ordinary Americans were angry at Washington D.C. because it never seemed to get anything done. Upon our return, we find that the same people are even more angry because Washington finally did something.

This is why we take vacations. Just trying to keep score can be exhausting.

Despite all the anger out there on Main St., some in Congress still rise to praise those same ordinary Americans, saying the equivalent of "we know how they feel, because we're ordinary too!" Some people will do anything to get re-elected. And why not? Congress has exempted itself and its employees from healthcare for ordinary folks, whatever it turns out to be.

All over the country ordinary people are getting together to party. Imagine, all of these explosive folks riding into town on their Harleys and Schwinns heading for the nearest saloon to down a quart of Tetley's! It makes your knees shake just to think. Perhaps the backs of their faux-leather jackets read: "Honk if you're Ordinary," or "Live Ordinary or Die."

We are learning a few things about these people: they only want to pay for average schools; they like to buy and sell normal things like auto insurance, homeowners' insurance, life insurance, travel insurance; mention health insurance and they go postal.

Their knowledge of geography is limited; when you say "China" to them, they go to the cupboard and get Granny's tea set.

And who are their heroes? A certain former VP candidate for one. Mobs of teetotalers would make her Ordinary Prom Queen tomorrow if it weren't for that biggest of inconveniences, elections.
And they love their Foxy Boys too, who can still impersonate middle class Americans, despite making millions each year from all the anger and frustration without having to provide a single interesting idea.

Where is it written: "We, the ordinary people....?" Or, "In order to pursue a more ordinary Union....?"

As we've said here before, no matter what your political stripe, the whole point of America is to be extraordinary. Nobody sails across oceans in cramped hulls to get here with one set of clothing so that they can sit in lawn chairs yelling at their TV sets. Nobody crawls across a desert with fifty bucks in their pocket to make sure they find average schools for their average kids. Nobody ducks enemy fire on a beach, in a jungle, or in a 150 degree tank to make sure everyone back home has an opportunity to become ordinary.

We returned to a country where the only extraordinary thing that seems to be going on is that so many people are obsessed with being normal, average, and ordinary. They just want to be left alone, except when you ignore them. They believe in survival of the fittest, but don't want schools to teach evolution.

We can do a whole lot better than this.

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