Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

It's Friday, a day for random thoughts and rest after dodging dozens of calls from eager HR recruiters and prospective clients all week:

Bold Idea: Was Hillary raised near an airport? She's logging more miles than a Delta/NW pilot as she plays nice everywhere. On the home front, there's Rahm alienating everybody in sight, which is, of course, his job. But with Max and Nancy pretty much ignoring Rahm on HealthScare no matter how many loud profanities he hurls at their 1900 page "reform" bill, isn't it time for a change? What could be more sensible than to ground Hill, bringing her home as top Assistant To The Pres. in the White House, where she can make nice with Nancy, Max, Charlie, etc? Then, send Rahm to State, where he can fly around insulting every idiot that we support out there and people we don't; they only understand people named Rahm screaming and getting spittle all over their faces. The Old Switcheroo.

Just a helpful thought.

Kandinsky: After seeing his work at Guggie, it's hard to see why I might want to continue making my little collages and constructions. After all, they've been showing at Wine @ Five in town for weeks with no sales, although much "interest."

Viewing K., especially my favorites from 1910-1912, one sees that every good painting is a portrait of both the painter and the viewer. One also sees that every realistic work is also abstract in a way, and that each good abstract creates its own reality.

Well, that's what I saw; I knew you'd want to know.

Urs Fischer: Is Urs the Swiss-German for Ugh?

This exhibit at the New Museum seems designed solely to poke fun at Capitalists dumb enough to plunk down six figures for one of the "artist's" works and at museum "curators" too spineless to ever say no.

Once upon a time, curator was used as a noun and was a title. Now, we have "curating," in which the museum employee becomes an active participant not only in the exhibiting, but in the art itself, which consist partly of the event.

Upon leaving the New, after 20 minutes, I watched another "event" unfolding on the ground floor. The artist was high on a ladder in his underpants painting grey swirls in a nice pattern on the wall. Around the floor he and someone had "curated" a number of vignettes.

After seeing Kandinsly, one wonders why people like myself continue making collages and constructions, despite having a relatively small gift. After seeing Urs and Underpants Man we know that there are many with an even smaller gift who thrive. So, we proceed, encouraged.

Elections: Have you heard the one about Sarah Palin stumping the country extolling the wonders of Viagra to Republicans, because she's found out it will help them get "elected?"

What is there left to say? Emperor Mike had 15 seconds worth of humility and that was plenty. One wonders which city the Times reporters actually report on, since they believe Mike will now be mending fences. Right. And those classified numbers, they're going to be through the roof soon, Boys. Oi, where do they get these dumbos.

The White House is pointing out that there are actually two Obamas: "Obama" and Obama. It was really "Obama" who went to New Jersey a gazzillion times to stump for Corzine and to avoid Manhattan until "he" absolutely had to say very quietly how much "he" truly loved "his friend" (wink, wink) Billy Thompson. Obama, on the other hand, never left DC, wasn't there, didn't say it, can't be blamed.

Friends, I have been around NYC politics for over 50 years, weaned on the stuff by my Tammany-trained and Fiorello-appointed grandfather. When "Billy" Thompson almost beats you, with 1/10 the money and after being embarrassed and dissed by a President in his own Party, who just happens to also be an African-American, that means people viscerally, truthfully, painfully and wholeheartedly dislike you, your banking dough, your arrogance and your smarm. This is like the butterfly KO-ing Ali in the First. All the money in the world cannot erase this humiliation. The Emperor won, but still came up....short.

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