Monday, June 22, 2009


Have you noticed how often you hear or read the word, algorithm, lately? If so, you may have wondered what it is exactly, since no journalist or newsreader ever seems to explain it to you. Wonder no more: an algorithm is:

1) another annoying thing about high school.
2) a Vice-Presidential birth control method.
3) the reason your nerdiest friend is really, really wealthy.
4) how google makes oodles of boodle.
5) a secret kept from former SEC inspectors even after being hired by a hedge fund to make coffee.
6) a dance performed by a Nobel Prize winner.
7) a process that transformed The Pet Rock into Twitter.
8) a magic way for people with no money or job to buy a huge house with no money down.
9) a way to calculate how many years we will all be paying for #8.
10) one of many reasons to forego Harvard and hang more with your nerdy friends.

Does that help? Thought so.

1 comment:

  1. It may be fun to be nerdy again as an old guy? Please try to explain the other over used tech term "bandwidth". Most old folks think it has something to do with the size of the stage at a rock concert.
